Saturday, January 1, 2011

Friends, do me a favor...

I've been in Maryland for about three months now and so far things are going pretty great. I love my job, I love my living situation, I love being near my extended family, and as a whole I just love the area. The only thing that I'm missing is friends.
Right away when I came out here I met Austin and he really took me under his wing. For the first couple of months I spent free nights with him and his family and friends and I absolutely loved it. Unfortunately, we all know how that ended... I still respect him and love him and I still think that he's an amazing guy - which is why the situation sucks so much - but our friendship just isn't going to work out.
So lately I've been trying to make new friends and it's hard! Don't get me wrong, I've met many good people out here, it's just that my entire life I've been surrounded by great people! I honestly believe that I've have some of the best friends in the world and it's really making things hard for me. You have all set this bar that cannot be reached by the everyday man.
So, in conclusion, this is what I am asking of all of you: can you please be crappier friends so I don't expect so much? Thanks.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Graduation and Beyond!

Graduation invitations: $50
Cap and Gown: $30
Having absolutely no idea what to do with your life once you get your diploma: priceless

Turns out you can't do too much with a bachelors degree in Public Health and absolutely no relative work experience. Yay for me!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Scholastic Joy.

In case you don't already know this, I'm an epidemiology major. What does this mean for me? It means that I just spent the past hour and a half researching and learning about infibulation. What does this mean for you? It means that you're a little bit happier you're not me.